Monday 5 August 2013

Sci Bio, SIA, Physics, Chemistry, Yadiyaidya...

Have you ever wondered the many different type of sciences? Its tiring even by counting the number of them. But yet, have you ever wondered how each everyone of them teaches different stuff? And that altogether, it teaches one whole topic of science. Its like every exterior angle forming 360 degrees. To my thought, i don't exactly enjoy Science. But my SIA teacher said something that gave me a great inspiration. His dream when young was to become a scientist in the future. He keeps working hard on his Science and entered University where he was assigned to the Science experiment department where he gets to examine the different type of cells. Although it wasn't his full dream, it at least played most part of his life. His words hit me, which made me wants to achieve my fullest dream too. So, if you ever had the mindset of Science being very boring or very lame, think again...

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