Monday 12 August 2013

I hate flowers...until now

Before I start, I would like to say sorry to mother nature for killing so many flowers because of this experiment.
One of the days during a short break from school, I was given an assignment to change a white carnation's petals into 3 different colors. The thought of this experiment made me went back to my primary school examination questions, but I have never done the experiment in real life. To make a long story short, I killed the carnation...:(    It was not bloody or with any food coloring spurting everywhere. Therefore, I went to buy a bouquet of flowers.(Didn't want to buy so many but they only sell it that way.) So, I went back home and tried to do the experiment again. Ended up killing over 4 white roses in one day :((((((((((((((((((((((((.   Finally, i realized that my food coloring was too diluted and that it would take forever for the flower to change in color. Finally, i re-bought the food coloring and tried to do the experiment again. In the end, I was proud to announced that it finally worked. After tons of corrections and many dead flowers(I repeat, I am dead sorry), my flower started to change in color. So in my conclusion, we need to have patience, for mother nature is like us. Each type of things need time to complete. So, if you feel frustrated failing at this experiment countless of times, think again who should be the one frustrated...

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