Monday 29 July 2013

Separation of Pen Ink?

You guys ever wonder how to separate the mixture of your pen ink? Well, I got the answer with me. Well, the method would be chromatography. Wanna know how?
1. Put a dot of ink around 1/4 of the way up a piece of filter paper.
2. Place the filter paper in a buffer solution but don't submerge the dot of ink.
3. Wait for the buffer solution to get most of the way up the filter paper via absorption
4. Finally, the ink should have separated into different colours that moved different distances up the filter paper.

Comic Strip on methods of separating mixtures

This is a comic strip i made during the holidays with my teammates. It is about Separating mixtures and the methods use to do them. Enjoy!

Acids and Alkali Mindmap

Anyone gets sake and tired when studying for a test? Why don't cut off the slack? Instead of revising notes over and over again, we can do mindmaps! Mindmaps summarise the main points of a chapter. It also helps us to process our mind towards the particular chapter. This helps alot, trust me. This is an example of one i did, it is on Acid and Alkaline.

Monday 22 July 2013

3d model of Helium atom

Check out this 3D atom model. Me and my partner decided to make 3D design of the Helium atom. People commented that our model was a little too big which I kind of agree. It was a pity that I did not know how to cut the wires(used for electro orbit). Other than that, i felt that the both of us could have made the wires a little smoother before turning it into a circle. Still, my partner and I did our best and we present this! Our 3D helium atom model!

Sunday 21 July 2013

Elements, Compounds and Mixtures

Being related to Atoms and Molecules, you might probably be interested in this video. This video might be kind of confusing, but it is interesting as it tells us everything about Elements, Compounds and Mixtures.

Atoms and Molecules recap video

Check out this video! This video talks about atoms and molecules in cartoon form. A fun way to demonstrate Science.