Sunday 13 October 2013

Year End Reflection

       As an annual basis, I decide to reflect on my past experience on Science(Mostly SIA). Firstly, I would thank my Science teachers for their great guidance throughout the year. With Science being one of my weakest subjects, I tend to fall beneath the class. However, my teachers helped me pull my courage towards Science and made me enjoy it more. Definitely they have done a lot in guiding me on Science. 
       Next, I would like to touch on my examinations. I believed that my results blew me like a solid block. Even though people would feel that 60% is an alright standard for me, I was deeply upset with my results. I actually wanted to do especially well this time but I eventually failed. Despite this fall, I definitely would not give up. I decided to keep working towards my goal and do especially well for the next exam.
       I think that's all for me though. Just one more thing: Keep Calm and Work Harder...

Monday 26 August 2013

More on Elements, Molecules and Compounds

Hey guys, found some powerpoint slides which talk about Elements, Molecules and Compounds. [PPT]

ElementsCompounds & Mixtures.ppt

Also found a pdf file, go check it out! :)

More of Atoms and Molecules

Hey guys, its like 10 plus here, so tired :(. But so, wanted to share with you this link. Its a powerpoint slide
on Atoms and Molecules. [PPT]

AtomsMolecules and Ions

Take a look at this too!

Atoms and Molecules - Micron, its a pdf file, go check it out!

Sunday 25 August 2013

Elements, Compounds and Mixtures

Hey guys, again...:( Feel so tired. But anyways I found a video on Elements, Compounds and Mixtures. Hope you like it.

Elements, Compounds and Mixtures article

Hey guys, found a website to clear confusion over Elements, Compounds and Mixtures. Go look it up!

Difference between compound and a molecule

Have you guys ever get so confused between compounds and molecules? Well, check out this website and clear your confusion.

Basics of atoms and molecules

Hey guys, I found this video quite a long time ago during my SIA lessons. Would like to share with you.